Saturday, October 27, 2012


Crystal Lab

In September we did crystal lab. In that lab we grew crystals using epsomite and sugar. We used water some scientific cups and minerals. We put tiny minerals in the cup and mixed it with water. We did this until it stopped dissolving. Then we attached paper clip to the pencil using rope.After that we waited until it grew crystals on it. Some grew faster and some took slower process. 

Metallic Luster: It looks like a metal 

Non Metallic Luster: It's a mineral that doesn't look like mineral. 

Streak: Color that left from the rock after scratching.

Cleavage: Rock that is broken evenly 

Fracture: Rock that is broken unevenly 

Composition: Chemical that made mineral

Color: Appearance of a rock 

Hardness: If the rock is soft or hard, we know it by scratching it on glass. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

About Me

1. Science is a body of knowledge and a process. 
2. I like doing sports (basketball, volleyball and soccer), playing piano and acting. 
3. Losing my family scares me. 
4. Manti and Plov is my favorite food. 
5. I will be a musician or an actor when I grow up. 
6. I have 1 sibling. 
7. My favorite color is blue. 
8. My favorite thing to do is play the piano. 
9. Watch out for losing your best friend. 
10. I wish there was piece in every country.