Monday, March 18, 2013


Plate tectonics is the scientific study of the cause of the Earth's lithospheric plates. I agree with the theory of plate tectonics because evidences show that Pangaea was the first continent that started splitting millions of years ago.
Alfred Wegener was the person who came up with the idea that the all continents were one continent named Pangaea. People did not believe him at first but later scientists saw that the continents have shapes that connect each other. Then people started believing Alfred Wegener but by that time, he was dead.
Earthquake is the movement of the plate boundaries. Epicenter is where the earthquake starts, on Earth's surface. Focus is where the earthquake starts, inside of the Earth.

Reflection questions:
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
1. I enjoyed writing song about Earthquake and Volcano and recording it because I learned a lot about plate tectonics and volcanoes and earthquake. AND I HAD LOTS OF FUN!!!

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
2. Writing song was kind of challenging but overall the project was not very difficult.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
3. I learned working more on iMovie and making foldables.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
4. I could have written better lyrics and could have make better foldables.

5. What would you change about this project?
5. I would not change anything about this project because everything was just right. We had the choice of doing other things about this project so there's nothing to change about this project. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

TORNADO - Conclusion
               Tornado is a giant storm that looks like a funnel that destroys small/big areas depending on how big is the storm is. Tornadoes are getting worse because they’re killing hundreds of people and animals each year, destroying the lands, buildings and breaking down the trees. As awful as 2011 was, many Americans died in tornadoes, last year appears to have been unusual and not part of a trend. Tornadoes and tornado damage can change wildly from year to year: 2012 is the quietest year on record for tornadoes in the USA, according to data from the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma. If this pattern continues for the next 100 years, according to the datas, we can expect a lot more and strong tornadoes and new technologies from scientists; Good computer software to detect tornadoes with enough radar sensors, make more VORTEX2 - a lot of it is getting information about tornadoes from the field, if tornado happens in your area, hide in the basement don’t run with a car, stay away from windows.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Crystal Lab

In September we did crystal lab. In that lab we grew crystals using epsomite and sugar. We used water some scientific cups and minerals. We put tiny minerals in the cup and mixed it with water. We did this until it stopped dissolving. Then we attached paper clip to the pencil using rope.After that we waited until it grew crystals on it. Some grew faster and some took slower process. 

Metallic Luster: It looks like a metal 

Non Metallic Luster: It's a mineral that doesn't look like mineral. 

Streak: Color that left from the rock after scratching.

Cleavage: Rock that is broken evenly 

Fracture: Rock that is broken unevenly 

Composition: Chemical that made mineral

Color: Appearance of a rock 

Hardness: If the rock is soft or hard, we know it by scratching it on glass.